Monday, September 15, 2008

chase this light : WARNING there's a lot of bad language in this post


so i figure i should blog before i leave for uni tomorrow. Even though i know we have the Internet there i just want to blog. Oh and i had another fun argument with Nick last night, he was all 'you're not getting your closure from me' last time we argued, but this time he has shot himself in the foot because i did get closure, i realised i fucking hate the stupid bastard and i hope he rots in hell, or at least lets me continue to live my life in peace, and if he doesn't and continues to be a dick i have more than enough sordid secrets to make his life very embarrassing for a very long time. I used these secrets to him in a text last night and he got all defensive and embarrassed and stopped replying... aw poor little boy. I feel i have won this one, on the grand scheme of the on going Katie v Nick situation i feel i have thoroughly won this one. I think we both said things which were out of order, although he'll never admit that. I told him i hope his girlfriend realises what a knob he is before he turns her into a suicidal mess.. although he'd probably get off on it and he told me to fuck off and go cut myself because it usually works for me. Any who, being the adult here i realise that i said some things which may have been hurtful, but i am reveling in that fact and too damn stubborn to apologise. either that or it's just because I'm not sorry. I'm at a point in my life where i have friendships and relationships with people that i want to, and they're exactly the way i want them all to be. I'm in control of my life now. And that little arrogant prick can go and rot in hell, and he would be doing for a very long time before i ever forgive him for the shit he's done to me. Anyway... uni.

So i went down there on Wednesday, my room's pretty sweet:

And the living room ain't bad either:

I'm excited though. We're going watching the wrestling tomorrow night and then going on to pound a pint at the royal London, tradition it seems it shinning through. I've just finished packing all my clothes and DVDs so it should be a pleasant trip. Especially if i can get mum to give me a lift to Manchester and i don't have to deal with the stupid X43 with a giant suitcase again. wow that was hellish.

Anyway, i have to eat and go in for my last shift... Can i get a "thank fuck"?


Katie x


Anonymous said...

I read something interesting the other day.

Have a look at the "Pseudo-Scientific Psychopath Detector". Remind you of anyone?