Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm not afraid of happy endings, i'm just afraid my life won't work that way.

Hey hey,

Yes i know, blogging has been errr sparse this past week or so. I'm sure you'll get over it though.

So yeah... i've not done much this last week or so. Just drinking mainly, and a bit of work. I've got my uncle's wedding this weekend which should be fun.

In truth i've been avoiding blogging in case i accidently go into ANOTHER rant about Nick and bore the socks of everyone. I appear to be the only person in the world who still gives a shit about him, especially when it comes to me. And seeing as most of my friends are shit and love to sit on the fence, even the ones who openly hate him, and it just makes me want to scream knob head at them. My hatred for him is spreading to my hatred or, more appropriately, distaste of our mutual friends. I know longer talk to one of them because he annoys me and he obviously can't stand me. Plus he's the most self centred, arrogant fuckwit in the world. And then there's another one, who you just shouldn't get me started on.

So uni has been awesome this week or so. We've had a proper awesome week of drinking and i'm really enjoying living in bright street. It's a proper good experience and at the moment i don't want it to end.

The End.


Claire said...

Fuck Nick :) And if they can't be bothered to tell him what they think to then fuck them too.
I shall be blogging later hopefully, thanks to your kick up the arse :) xxx