Saturday, October 04, 2008

Words i cannot verbalise

So i know.... phenomenally shit at this blogging thing atm! what with not blogging for like... nearly a fortnight!

Truth is there is so many awesome things that have happened, and so many not so awesome things and it's getting a bit difficult to remember what i need to blog, need to leave out of my blog and what i simply can't blog. But most of my friends have given up with blogging and i refuse!

So there's been a phenomenal amount of drinking going on! i've been drunk countless amounts of time in the past fornight and my organs ache. i've said it time and time again that it's time for a break but i can't be arsed to say it again, simply know that i am trying to awaken my organs.

That is all.


Sara said...

I've not given up on my blog. Despite people who hate me reading it. Let them see what I write; fuck them.

Drunkness......that hasn't happened for a loooong time


Lord Hutton said...
