Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The more you change the less you feel

I am almost becoming as bad as Claire (yes! You’ve been named!) at this blogging lark. As that crazy woman on the annoying fire safety advert says… I really need to pull my finger out.

So it’s just the usual third year shenanigans I’ve been going through, drinking too much being the afore and still mentioned biggest consumer of time. But I do love it so. We went to pound a pint last night which was fun and we’re going planet on Thursday as usual. It’s all good. This weekend it’s just me n Kel so we’re going to have a film and pizza night seeing as we’re both film students and never really get to chill out with one another: Mainly because one of us always in our own room due to lack of sofa space when Sam comes over.

Edd being the comical genius that he is has invented two hysterical, yet horrendously childish drinking games which he intends to par-take in by himself if none of us are willing. The first one came about when he said the words ‘I have an idea, when children in need is one lets play a game… lets drink every time I don’t give a fuck’. Which was harsh, but you know, pretty fucking funny truth be told. And the second one was called cock or giraffe but I’ll let you figure out that one by yourselves.

Work load is slowly mounting up. I intended to stay behind after work and do the essay that’s due in tomorrow, but I’ve left my glasses at home and it’s giving me a blinding headache. Damn being tired and forgetting things.

There isn’t really much to talk about to be honest. My life must seem pretty boring to you lot. I have been busy though. Lectures, work load, work, SOPHIE society running and getting my lip pierced have made this week oh so busy. Oh and Oli and Kim’s birthday thing, which as nice as it was to see everyone (unfortunately not everyone but there you go) it was a bit lame, there were massive queue’s at Alton Towers and the pub was a bit dull because everyone was so fucking knackered. I did kick so much ass on the dance matt though, I was chuffing amazing.

So yeah, as mentioned above I got my lip pierced. So woo! Go me! I finally bit the bullet and it hurt a damn sight less than my nose did. In fact I would go as far as to say that it didn’t hurt at all. Just a massive adrenaline rush, I was shaking so bad afterwards but it was good, and I like it and love how it looks. And feels. Unfortunately the aftercare states that I can not kiss anyone or partake in oral sex for a month. Which I wasn’t planning on anyway but it’s always nice to have the option. Ah well, it’s only a month out of my hopefully very long life.

Right you’ve gotten 528 words out of me, I think it’s time I was going and doing some actual work at work instead of slacking off.

Ta’ra x


Sara said...

Told yer it didn't hurt. Just no one believed me =p just like the tattoo's that don't hurt
