Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dear Fate

I believe in you. I have believed in you for a very long time. I belived in you enough to have you tattooed on my back. I believe that everything you do, everything you make happen, good or bad, is for a reason. That everything we do, good or bad, you punish or encourage us for a reason. But i am starting to lose faith in your reasons, yes you always have a reason but who decides if they're good reasons? You've fucked up big style this week, fate. I know you think you're doing the right thing, but are you really? are you sure you're not just angry at us all? I can't see any reason why these terrible things that are happening are happening, and i can see no good reason for them. so if you have any way, let me know why? please?

Come on fate, throw us a lifeline here?

Yours, Katie x